Keep dirt on your boots, wind in your hair,
And Mountains under your feet, Be inspired
Life is Better in the Mountains
For as long as I can remember I have been inspired by ‘The Mountains’. Running hiking and getting dirt on my boots on the fells is what I love. Being out in the elements helps me appreciate the different ground textures, makes me see the amazing colours, the cloud formations, and the way the weather changes the environment to create so many different moods.
I use ‘waste woven Welsh fabrics’ as the base and add ‘coloured felting wool’ to create my landscapes. The way I blend the fabric and fibres creates a reflexion of my feelings from when I’m out in the mountains.
The baubles are fun creations, extending the theme into 3 dimensional shapes as well as giving me an opportunity to experiment.
Be Inspired, Life is Better in the Mountains ….Jean Ashley